March 10, 2005

President Dave Brown called the meeting to order at 7:30, with 34 in attendance. The Minutes of the December meeting were handed out. Visitors introduced themselves.

March Star Watch Report:  The star watch at Larry Citro’s was great. Saturn was terrific and plenty of galaxies were visible. Mercury is at its most visible this week.  Saturn is as good as it gets. Titan will be due north of Saturn on the 19th and due south on the 27th. Jupiter is the “brightest star in the sky” and is rising earlier in the evening. IO will transit Jupiter on the 17th at 1:30 am. Comet Machholz is near Polaris at 6th magnitude, moving westward each night, with its tail pointed eastward. Dave noted that “Astronomy” magazine has a good article in the March issue “Explore the Spring Sky”.

 Upcoming Events: Dan Davidson will be giving a talk for some Cub Scouts on March 22 from 6:30 to 8:00 at the church near Griffith and Bixler Furniture in Knauers. Anyone wishing to help is welcome. Contact Dan or Dave for directions. March 26, from 12:00 to 1:00 will be our program at the Wyomissing Public Library. Barb, Ron and Dave will be giving talks, and there will be solar observing afterward, if possible. April 2 will be our Meteorite Hunt, with the Berks Mineralogical Society, beginning at 1:00. Dave will get the directions to the location posted as soon as possible. We are still planning a star watch for April 9. It is tentatively scheduled to be at French Creek State Park, but Dave hasn’t gotten a confirmation from them yet.  If he doesn’t get a confirmation, the star watch will be held at Larry Citro’s home instead. Ron noted that the Appalachian Hiking Club will be having its Full Moon Hike to the Pinnacle on March 25. Anyone interested should contact Ron. The Berks Mineralogical Society is having a Mineral Show at the Leesport Farmers Marks on May 14 and 15. They have invited us to participate with solar observing. Anyone interested should contact Bret Cadmus.  Larry Citro announced that he will be lecturing at Alvernia’s Senior College in April and May, with observing. The classes are open to those 55 and older.

Treasurer’s Report: Linda Sensenig reported a balance of $7,870.01. She sent a check for $200 for the Brandt Babel Education Fund. Brandt is the son of former BCAAS President George Babel, who unexpectedly passed away.

 Old and New Business: Linda noted that this is the time of year she usually sends in our annual donation of $150 to the Museum and wanted to know if she should send it in. Dave noted that Keith Minnich had contacted the Museum about using the auditorium and was told it would be $350 to rent it per evening. Dave read the letter that the clubs that meet at the Museum received.  It was noted that the Planetarium is going to be closed from June through August or September. The remodeling is supposed to make it more useable for meetings. It was decided that we would postpone sending any donation until the fall when the Planetarium reopens and we can tell if it will suit us. We will contact UGI about using the Flame Room while the Planetarium is closed.  Ron announced that he and Ryan are working on getting Geoff Marcy, who has discovered many exoplanets, as a speaker. This would be a joint venture with Kutztown University, and would be held at Kutztown in September or October.

 Several members reflected on their experiences with George Babel. Dave noted that you must make the time to do what you want to do, and don’t put off taking care of yourself.

 Tonight’s speaker was Ryan Hannahoe on CCD imaging with robotic telescopes. Ryan did a great job with his presentation.

The meeting was adjourned at 9:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Geigle, Secretary


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