April 12, 2007
Dave called the meeting to order; there were 20 in attendance. Dave noted that he recently had hernia surgery. His last day of work before retirement is tomorrow and he can’t do anything he was planning to do.
Dave suggested that the Club’s drought-busting services should go global. Not only can we cause rain, but now we can bring snow as well. Our Messier Marathon was snowed out the first weekend and rained out the next.
Upcoming events:
April 21 – Club star watch at the Flying Field at dusk
April 22 – Earth Day at Centre Park, noon to 5; rain date April 29. Volunteers needed to man the table. Dave is going to contact the PA Outdoor Lighting Council to see if any brochures are available to hand out.
April 25 – Saturn occulted by moon; observing at Dave Brown’s farm
April 28 & 29 – The North East Astronomy Forum in Suffern, NY
May 10 – Stan Stubbe, President of the PA Outdoor Lighting Council will be the speaker at the May meeting.
May 11 – Star watch at Wyomissing Hills Elementary School at dusk. Telescopes will be needed as we usually have a couple hundred people.
May 18 – Star watch at the Berks County Heritage Center; cloud date May 19.
October 13 – The Lehigh Club is having their 50th anniversary banquet; the guest speaker will be David Levy.
Ron Kunkel announced that Ryan Hannahoe has an Astrophysics mount for sale; contact Ron if you are interested. Ron and Barb Geigle spoke for the Hay Creek Watershed Association; Ron received a check for $100 from them. He will be speaking at the Fleetwood Grange on April 26. He also received an invitation from the PA Parks and Forests Foundation for an awards banquet in Harrisburg on April 24 – the Cherry Springs Dark Sky Fund is receiving an award.
Paul Becker asked for approval to order the counterweight bar for the telescope we received from George Babel’s wife. This was approved. Barb will order it online.
Linda Sensenig reported a balance of $$$$. Dave will be putting $$$$ of this into a CD. Linda’s dad, Clarence, attended the meeting tonight. He will be 93 on April 20.
Barb won a Hubble poster at the last Night Sky Network Teleconference in March. The speaker was Dr. Ken Sembach of the Space Telescope Science Institute.
Dave Brown, Gene and Hanna Salvatore, and Keith Minnich will be receiving training to run Planetarium shows for the Museum. Each show contributes $25 towards the fee to meet at the Museum.
Bruce Dietrich was our speaker; his program was “On the Edge”
Respectfully submitted
Barbara Geigle, Secretary