April 13, 2006
The meeting was called to order at 7:30 by Dave Brown., There were 32 attending, with quite a few visitors. Dave noted that the star watch for Reading High 9th grade students at Albright wasn’t well attended. We may try again and invite Albright students as well. The public star watch at Kaercher Creek Park was partially cloudy, but visitors were able to see Saturn and the Moon. The club’s trip to Cherry Springs State Park was postponed a week due to rain (what else is new!!).
The Cherry Springs Star Party, sponsored by the Astronomical Society of Harrisburg, will be held June 22 – 26. The Black Forest Star Party, which is sponsored by the Central Pennsylvania Observers, will be August 25 – 27. Registration is open for both events The Black Forest Star Party is already half full, so if you plan to go, you should register as soon as possible. Both events will be at Cherry Springs State Park, and feature speakers and vendors.
The star watch for Wyomissing Hills Elementary School is scheduled for tomorrow night at 8:00. Keith Minnich will notify Mike Bashore if the event is a go or no go by Friday afternoon so he can get it on the website. We will have a club star watch at Larry Citro’s home on May 27 at dusk.
Ron Kunkel announced that two local Boy Scout Councils are having a Jambo at Kutztown University the weekend of May 20-21. They would like us to have solar observing on Saturday, May 20 from 9 to 5. Volunteers are needed to bring solar viewing equipment. Also, if there are enough volunteers, we can set up a table with astronomy games. We need to bring our own tables and chairs, but electricity will be provided. Contact Ron if you can help.
I announced that I got a copy of the John Dobson movie that was partially filmed while he was our guest. There is some footage of his program at the Berks Co. Heritage Center, and also at Kutztown University. My copy can be borrowed, or you can order a copy at “telescopepictures.com”. There will be a Night Sky Network teleconference on May 18 at 9:00 pm. The speaker will be Dr. Mike Regan of the Space Telescope Science Center. He will talk about the Hubble Telescope and Comet 73P/Schwassmann-Wachmann. Contact me for details if you are interested.
Sky Update – On May 21, the Moon will be near Uranus, and on May 30 and 31, the Moon passes Mars and Saturn and Asteroid Vesta will be less than 1 degree south of the Moon.
There will be a Board Meeting on May 18 at 8:00 pm at Arner’s Restaurant on Route 61.
Paul Becker announced that George Babel’s widow has donated his 11” Celestron telescope to the club, with a condition that her son can take it back if he decides in the future that he wants it. It is an EQ mounted scope. The counter-weight bar is missing, but she will continue to look for it. She also donated some books and CD’s. Paul also displayed some camera equipment and two cases that she wants to sell.
Linda Sensenig reported a balance of $$$$$ in the Treasury. She read a thank you letter she received from Brian Forino, one of the winners at this year’s Science Fair. She asked if she is to make a donation to the Museum this year – it will be discussed at the Board meeting. Kaercher Creek Park is sending a $35 donation. Ron gave a talk for about 100 senior citizens in Shoemakersville – they gave a $35 donation as well.
Gene Salvatore is looking for members to speak at our annual Member’s Night in July. Several 10-15 minutes programs are needed.
After the break, Steve Walters discussed what it takes to do high-resolution astro-imaging.
Respectfully submitted
Barbara Geigle, Secretary