May 18, 2006

A Board Meeting was held on May 18, 2006 at Arner’s Restaurant on Rt. 61, at 8:00 pm. Dave Brown, Ron Kunkel, Gene Salvatore, Paul Becker, Linda Sensenig and Barb Geigle attended.

We decided to sell the remaining Cave Cassegrain telescope. Due to its weight, it is unlikely that anyone in the club would be using it. Ron will get in touch with Ryan Hannahoe, as he knows someone out west who had offered $1000 for it previously, and he would be willing to pick it up this summer when he comes east.

Ryan would like to hold an image processing class next winter when he comes home for winter break. There would be a charge for the class, with 60% of any profit going to Ryan and 40% to BCAAS. We would have to rent a room with tables. Dave Brown will contact some local places, such as the Sheraton, Kutztown University, etc.

It was decided that we shall make a donation of $150 to the Planetarium. Linda will send a check.

Barb noted that it would cost about $500 to have 1,000 brochures printed by Sir Speedy Printing. She offered to print and fold the brochures if the club would reimburse ink and paper expenses.  This was approved.

Dave Brown suggested that the club have a field trip this fall. Barb will check into prices for a Bieber Bus to New York and for the Hayden Planetarium. Saturday, October 7 would be a good day as that it full moon weekend and no star parties are scheduled, and the weather shouldn’t be too hot.

Dave would also like to have another club trip to Cherry Springs State Park on July 22/23.

Dave is going to check into having a new banner made (6 foot) as our current one is damaged. Linda suggested having BCAAS auto plates made again. We can print postage with our logo on it at the website “stamps.com”.

Barb is going to send a thank you letter to Dana Babel.

Respectfully submitted

Barbara Geigle, Secretary


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