June 6, 2002
The meeting was called to order at 7:20 p.m. with Barry Shupp, Melody Gardner, Linda Sensenig, Clarence Sensenig, Ryan Hannahoe, Ron Kunkel, Paul Becker, and Barb Geigle in attendance. Linda reported that we received $35 from the Berks Heritage Center for the Kaercher Creek star watch, and we paid $70 to Dr. Daley, giving us a balance of $8,570. She also discussed replacing our current liability insurance with the plan offered through the Astronomical League, which is $75 instead of the $350 we are currently paid. It was unanimously approved to go with the League plan.Ron reported that the Kaercher Creek Park was a nice area for observing with no direct lights. There were 4 scopes and about 15 people present. It was decided that we would try this location again next year to see if attendance improves.
After a short discussion about the NEAF conference, Ryan announced that LVAAS is planning a convention for November 23-24 at the Allentown Agriculture Center.
The bake sale is scheduled for Saturday, June 15 at the Temple Wal-Mart from 12 to 5 by the garden center entrance. Linda suggested we set up at 11:45 and that we would have to check in at the customer service desk first.
It was noted that Stellafane is the same date as our picnic, August 10. As only a few people indicated they were going, the picnic date will not be changed. Our club star party is August 9.
Ryan requested that someone contact Dr. Stencel to arrange travel and lodging. Barry said he would contact him.
For Julys members night, Ron agreed to talk on cosmology and Barry will talk on astrophotography. Gary Becker will be our speaker for September and Ryan will talk in November, on either his book or his summer travels. It was agreed that we set a price range for speakers of $60 to $80.
There was some discussion regarding our 30th anniversary banquet in October of 2003. John Dobson gets $100 plus airfare. As he prefers to stay in someones home, Barb offered her guestroom with sofabed. We should get his tickets six months in advance before setting banquet prices.
With regard to other speakers for 2003, Ron suggested getting Ruth Daley again. There has been no activity regarding the observing program or the club trailer.
On June 25, Ryan and David Levy will be on National Public Radio. For our July 5 star party, we will decide at the June meeting where it will be held. On July 13, BCAAS is invited to Pulpit Rock with LVAAS.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:30.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Geigle, Secretary