B.C.A.A.S. General Meeting Minutes
June 13, 2002
President Barry Shupp called the meeting to order at 7:40 PM with 29 attendees.
Linda Sensenig noted that there is $8600 in our account. She also reported that
the Astronomical League will be returning our $75 insurance premium, as the insurance company determined that individual clubs are not chapters of the league and do not quality to be added to the leagues policy. She will send our renewal premium of $327 to our current carrier. Linda also discussed the upcoming bake sale scheduled for June 15.
Dave Brown reported that this is a good time to look at galaxies. The weather was great for the club star party, and his talk at Rockland Elementary School went well. Ron Kunkel noted that there were 4 scopes and 10-15 people at the star watch at Kaercher Creek Park, and that it is a good location for observing.
Melody Gardner talked about NEAF. She won an 8" mirror grinding kit and met author Richard Berry. Barb Geigle won a Meade electronic eyepiece. NEAF had more attendees and vendors than before, and the main speakers, Richard Grunsfeld and David Levy were great. Barb Geigle discussed the Mason-Dixon Star Party where Melodys luck held and she won a Meade go-to telescope. A film crew was there filming a documentary for the cable network A&E. The show is about the 25th anniversary of Voyager and they were doing a segment about families in astronomy. It is supposed to air sometime next August.
Ryan Hannahoe announced that he would be on David Levys radio show on June 25. Our next club star party will be on July 5 at the Flying Field. Our July 11 meeting will be members night, where Tom Boussom will talk on celestial mechanics, Lloyd Adam will discuss Stellafane and Ron Kunkel will speak on cosmology. Anyone interested in giving a talk should contact Barry Shupp. Barry also reminded everyone that BCAAS is invited to observe with LVAAS at Pulpit Rock on July 13. Stellafane is scheduled for August 9 and 10, and Starfest is August 9 at Warwick Park. Our annual club picnic is August 10 at Dave Browns farm. There will be a public Star Watch at Hawk Mountain on August 17.
Ron Kunkel asked for help with a presentation and solar observing at Kids Sports on June 25 in the afternoon. Barry announced that he had information on a 10-foot observatory dome that was free for anyone who would haul it.
After a short break, Inge Heyer from the Space Telescope Science Institute, with her usual sense of humor, gave an insightful slideshow presentation on the recent Hubble upgrade that left the crowd clamoring for more so she stayed and showed another round of slides. She also brought us some more Hubble photos. The meeting was adjourned about 10:20 PM.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Geigle, Secretary