B.C.A.A.S. General Meeting Minutes
June 14, 2001
Twenty-five people were present at the meeting, which was called to order by President Barry Shupp at approximately 7:45 PM. Minutes of the previous meeting were passed around as the secretary gave highlights of the May 24 board meeting. She stated that a link to astronomy-related publications available through the Reading Public Library is up and running on our website. She also said that a BCAAS survey for members suggestions and opinions will be published in the July/August Pegasus.
Treasurer Linda Sensenig then reported a balance of $8,265.92 in the club account. That amount will decrease in a few days, when she will be paying league dues and an insurance premium of $325.
Ron Kunkel gave a follow-up on the Heritage Center Star Party, which was held on rain date Saturday, May 19. Rons talk on planetary scales and interstellar distances lasted until the clouds disappeared, and observing went on until about 11:30 PM under clear skies.
Barry reported that the Cherry Springs Star Party was a rain-out, and no one from BCAAS attended. It was pointed out that Cherry Springs was the first DCNR-designated dark sky site in Pennsylvania.
Also discussed was the upcoming Mega Meet, a free event sponsored by LVAAS, to be held on Sept. 14-16 at Pulpit Rock above Hamburg.
The Mason-Dixon Star Party, south of York, is scheduled for June 22-24. There will be swap tables, observing, astrophotography talks, an evening meal and door prizes. Ryan Hannahoe will give a speech about the Youth Activities Committee. There was a substantial show of hands as to those who are planning to go. A special informal board meeting will be held on Saturday, June 23 at the star party, to discuss the proposed BCAAS survey.
Several BCAAS members will attend the Alcon convention in Frederick, MD on July 24-28. Ryan announced that Jack Horkheimers deteriorating health will prevent him from being the main speaker, as he can no longer travel. Ryan did not know if a replacement had been found.
It was announced that Melody Gardner is the new club library coordinator, and anyone interested in donating new or used astronomy books should see her.
The club has been contacted about a French foreign exchange student interested in astronomy, who needs a host family. The 16-year-old girl will be here for four weeks, starting July 14. It was suggested that we invite her to several events, including the Alcon convention. Even if we dont host her, we could sponsor her. The Hawk Mountain Star Watch on July 21 and our club picnic on August 11 will also be held during her stay.
Barry again reminded us to look for Comet Linear A2, which will be visible in the early morning hours of June 30.
A new member introduced himself, and after a five-minute break, we were treated to Ryans practice run for his Youth Activities Committee presentation at the Mason-Dixon Star Party.
At 9:15 PM, the meeting was adjourned.
Respectfully submitted,