June 17, 2004
President Ron Kunkel called the meeting to order at 7:45 p.m. after the cook-out dinner (which was almost rained out). In attendance were Ron Kunkel, Linda Sensenig, Melody Gardner, Barry Shupp and Barb Geigle. Barb reviewed the Minutes from the April Board meeting.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda reported a balance of $$$$$, after paying the League dues of $370 and insurance of $327. There are 72 memberships, including the Science Fair winners and the lifetime memberships.
Old Business: A) Linda got a self-inking stamp with our website and phone number on it. B) It was noted that discussion of purchasing a H-alpha solar telescope is on hold. C) 18 people showed up for the Blue Marsh star watch, even though it was totally cloudy. The ranger, Kathy, suggested setting another one up for the fall. She also told us that if we ever wanted to have an informal star watch there, just to let her know. They can turn out the lights at the entrance booth. D) No one has heard anything yet about the PA Astronomy Co-op. They are probably waiting until the incorporation is done before setting anything else up. E) Barb noted that after the June meeting, 4 people signed up for the Night Sky Network – Barry Shupp, Keith Minnich, Tom Boussum and Bret Cadmus, who also volunteered to be a back-up coordinator. F) Ron handed out an updated schedule. He will contact Bruce Dietrich about speaking at our September meeting. G) Ron brought the information and specs on the Unitron and Cave Astrola Telescopes for Barb to send out to local clubs.
New Business: A) Ron noted that telescopes will be needed for the program at Camp Joy on June 28. B) There was discussion about the Museum’s decision to move our meetings to the Planetarium beginning in September. Ron checked with Hamburg High School and we can use their meeting room for free. He will also contact Muhlenberg and some other schools. C) Ron will send out an email to members and put a note in his President’s Message about the club’s scope that are available. D) Barry Shupp volunteered to serve on the Nominating Committee. Barb and Linda both will run for their current positions; however, Ron and Ryan will not be running for re-election. Ron did volunteer to take Ryan’s place as Program Chairman, and will start working on next year’s schedule. E) Linda reviewed the list of non-members that are receiving the Pegasus. It was decided that she will include a notice with the next issue that this will be the last free copy.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Geigle, Secretary