September 9, 2004
The meeting was called to order by Barb Geigle (while Ron raced home to get the projector). The Minutes of the July meeting were handed out with the agenda.
Linda Sensenig reported a balance of $7,310.34. She is collecting money for Astronomy Wall Calendars ($6 each), and she wants to turn in the order soon. She will be able to send in an additional order later, but the price will be a bit higher.
Sky Report: Pluto, Uranus and Neptune are the only evening planets visible; Saturn, Venus and Mercury are visible before dawn.
Old Business: The Hawk Mountain Star Party was cancelled due to the weather, but as our luck goes the skies cleared at the last minute! Our annual picnic (that had been rescheduled due to the hurricane that missed us) was held August 28. Besides the great food, Dave Brown treated us to a hay ride, and we got to see his “pet” pigs. A good time was had by all. Barb noted that the Night Sky Network sponsored a teleconference with Dr. Neil Tyson of the Hayden Planetarium.
Upcoming Events and New Business: The Black Forest Star Party is September 10-12 and LVAAS’s Megameet is September 17-19 at Pulpit Rock. Ron will be giving talks for Schuylkill Valley Middle School on September 28 and 30. Our October 14 meeting will have Glen Hacker discussing Stellacam Astrophotography. The NOVA program “Origins” will be September 28 and 29 on PBS. We will have a public Star Watch on October 22 and a Lunar Eclipse Watch on October 27, both at the Berks County Heritage Center.
While waiting for Ron to return, Barb showed a DVD trailer for the “Origins” program. After that, Dr. Ruth Daly gave an informative talk on Dark Energy.
Respectfully submitted,
Barbara Geigle, Secretary