September 25, 2003

President Ron Kunkel called the meeting to order at 7:20 p.m. In attendance were Ron Kunkel, Dave Brown, Linda Sensenig, Barry Shupp, Melody Gardner, Ryan Hannahoe and Barb Geigle.

Treasurer's Report: Linda reported a balance of $7,676.

Old Business:

Banquet- 33 tickets have been sold, included 4 from LVAAS members. Linda was also contacted by someone from the Delaware Valley club, but hasn't received an order yet. Barb sent reminders to the clubs and also to the Rittenhouse Astronomical Society. She will be placing an ad in the Reading Eagle Weekender. Barry got prices to place a paid ad in the Reading Eagle, but the Board felt it was too expensive. Dave is contacting the radio stations, WEEU and Y102. We will also have tickets available for sale at the Heritage Center on October 17. Melody distributed flyers to be posted.

PowerPoint presentation -everyone is to go through what they have to see what should go in the presentation. The Board should be emailed by Thursday as we will probably have to meet again to give Barb info to put in computer as she will be assembling the program. Dave will give the talk. Barb is also going to put together a program with the schedule of events and list of door prizes and donors.

Melody will contact Matt Gustiantino of LVAAS about his DJ system. Melody has already made up some CD's with a mix of different types of music. Dave has some contacts also. The cash bar will start at 5:00. Linda will order 3 appetizer trays -vegetable, fruit and cheese. As she will probably have to leave early, she will leave a check with someone to pay the restaurant. Mr. Dobson's schedule was reviewed; a copy is attached to the agenda. Dave noted that he has off on Tuesday and Wednesday, which works well as Dobson's schedule is free during the day both days.

New Business:

Monthly Meetings -There will be no regular meeting in October, as we have the banquet. Terry Huntsberger from JPL will be our speaker for the November 13 meeting. His talk will be on NASA's Mars Mission. Ryan passed around a printout of his biography. We will be meeting for dinner at Red Lobster in Wyomissing at 5:00 and should be at the museum by 7:00. Barb will make cookies. Instead of Melody getting the huge coffeepot from her father, it was decided that we should just get coffee from Dunking Donuts as they sell it in large boxes. Keith Minnich is paying for the travel expenses; the club will pay for his dinner and fee. Barry volunteered to serve on the Nominating Committee for our December election. It was suggested that Paul be on the committee as well. Someone will need to contact him. December will also be our Holiday Party.

Schedule of Events -Ron will be speaking at Schuylkill Valley Middle School on September 20 and October 1. Barb passed around the Spring Township calendar that she had just received in the mail that advertised our Berks County Heritage Center events. It listed Dobson's talk starting at 6:00 on October 17, and the Lunar Eclipse watch starting at 4:00 on November 8. Melody noted that these weren't the times she had arranged, but now we are stuck with them. Dobson's talk will be held rain or shine. We will have the program in the barn if the weather is bad. October 18 is our 30th Anniversary Banquet starting at 5:00. Ron will be talking for the Hamburg Area Middle School at Camp Conrad Weiser on October 20 and 22 from 8:30 to 9:30. He may have observing afterward -he will let us know if he needs us to bring scopes. Our program for the Blue Ball Elementary School has been rescheduled for October 25.

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Geigle, Secretary


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