October 14, 2004
President Ron Kunkel called the meeting to order at 7:30pm with 23 people in attendance. September’s meeting minutes were distributed.
Treasurer’s Report: Linda Sensenig reported a total of $7,016 in our account. She also announced that Park Road bridge is re-opening on October 29th, 2004. A card was passed around for Dave Brown’s mother. It was announced that calendars can still be ordered for $6.50 a piece.
Sky Report: Ron Kunkel reported that the Orionid meteor shower would occur October 22-23. Also, the space station may be in view the week of October 18th. Heavens-above.com is a website that tracks satellites and iridium flares by latitude and longitude.
Old Business: Ron recapped the Black Forest star party in Cherry Springs, the rescheduling of the original Mega Meet, and the Hazleton Balloon Festival. Our club has given talks to the Schyulkill Valley School District, for which we received a donation. Our club won a green laser pointer in a drawing by the Night Sky Network.
New Business/Upcoming Events: Mega Meet has been rescheduled to October 16-17, Paul Becker will call go or no-go for the Heritage Center Star watch on October 22nd and Lunar Eclipse on October 27th. A program will be given to Cub Scouts by Bret Cadmus on October 25th. Our next meeting is November 11th, 2004; our speaker has canceled and Barb Geigle has volunteered to give a program on the Night Sky Network updated material. Dan Brown has volunteered to create Power Points for the club.
Nominating Committee Report: Paul Becker and Barry Shupp reported the following candidates for office:
President – none
Vice President – Bret Cadmus
Treasurer – Linda Sensenig
Secretary – Barb Geigle
After a short break, Glen Hacker gave a program entitled “Stellacam Astrophotography”, accompanied by a demonstration of his photographic equipment. The meeting was adjourned sometime around 9pm, but since I don’t wear a watch, I really couldn’t give you the specific minute. Sorry, people!