December 8, 2005


President Dave Brown called the meeting to order with 20 in attendance. . He reviewed the highlights of the past year, including the sale of the two vintage telescopes that netted $2,300. There were also numerous programs done for school and scout groups, Nolde Forest, Kaercher Creek Park and Blue Marsh Lake. He gave a pen and pencil set to Ron Kunkel to recognize him for all the talks he gave this year and to Barb Geigle for hauling the telescopes to Georgia.

Dave read a letter he received from Eleanor Sweeney of DCNR. She was very impressed with our program at Nolde Forest and is interested in setting up a trip to Cherry Springs in the spring.  We will discuss this further.

Dave and Dan Davidson discussed their trip to Mrs. Capiotis’ home to inspect a mirror grinding machine that she offered to the club. They came away with 2 truckloads of mirror grinding supplies at no cost.

Upcoming Events:  Our speaker for January will be Chuck Kunesh of LVAAS on exploring the Solar System. Ray Harris, also of LVAAS, will be the speaker for February on historical documents in astronomy. Ron will get more details. For March, we may have a professor from Albright talking on SETI. Linda suggested getting Ruth Daly back to talk about what came before the Big Bang.

Ron announced that he is resigning as program chairman; Gene Salvatore volunteered to take over.  Thanks Gene!

Barry Shupp opened the floor for nominations for the election of officers. There were no new nominations, so the current officers were unanimously re-elected: Dave Brown - President, Bret Cadmus - Vice President, Linda Sensenig - Treasurer and Barb Geigle - Secretary.

The meeting was adjourned and everyone enjoyed the selection of goodies brought in

Respectfully submitted,

Barbara Geigle, Secretary


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